Bundled ESG expertise

The best specialists with on board

This is not about us. It’s about the best possible way to sustainably optimize your assets. For this purpose, QUANTREFY provides you with a large number of specialized supporters – your so-called ALLIES. They ensure that the algorithm-calculated optimization suggestions you receive on QUANTREFY do not remain theory – but are implemented quickly, well and economically on your asset. ALLIES are specialized implementation partners that you can commission and manage directly via QUANTREFY.

Only experts can become ALLIES

Not everyone can become an ALLY on QUANTREFY. To ensure a high level of quality in the implementation and to maintain comparability on our ESG marketplace, the so-called forum, every potential ALLY is checked by us beforehand. Only QUANTREFY CERTIFIED ALLIES are accepted with their services on the platform.


The ALLY network makes QUANTREFY smarter

QUINN, your intelligent ESG assistant on QUANTREFY, gets a little smarter with every ALLY. Because the more implementation expertise the ALLIES bring to QUANTREFY, the more concrete optimization suggestions QUINN can provide you for your asset or portfolio. So the specialized expertise of many different ESG service providers comes together in QUINN and its algorithm to analyze and optimize your asset or portfolio from different angles.

Meet some of your ALLIES